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What are child custody and visitation rights in Tennessee?

On Behalf of | Jun 15, 2015 | Visitation

Child custody issues are hard for parents to deal with. In some cases, the parents might not be able to agree on anything about their child. This can include when the child sees which parent and who the child is allowed to visit. Parents who are going through child custody issues in Tennessee might opt to turn to the court system to get the issues resolved. Knowing some of the basic child custody laws in the state might help you to understand what is and isn’t possible.

How does the court decide child custody matters?

Tennessee courts considers what is best for the child when making child custody decisions. In some cases, the child’s wishes are considered, but in the end, the child’s best interests win out over anyone’s wishes.

Can grandparents seek visitation for a grandchild?

Grandparents’ visitation rights are honored in Tennessee. There are some very specific points to consider in these cases, so any grandparent wanting to seek visitation with a grandchild should work to understand those points before filing for these rights.

Do non-custodial parents have any rights?

Non-custodial parents in Tennessee have some rights; however, those rights, such as visitation, might be limited if it is determined that the parent willfully abandoned the child for 18 months. Some of the rights that non-custodial parents might have in this state include the right to participate in the child’s education, the right to have twice a week phone calls, the right to be informed about serious issues as quickly as possible, the right to be informed about medical conditions or hospitalization within 24 hours of the occurrence and the right to learn about extra-curricular activities 48 hours prior to the event. Other rights regarding the child’s medical and educational records also exist.

Knowing your rights for visitation and other matters can help you decide how to proceed with a child custody case. Because every case is different, you should work to understand how the law affects your specific case.

Source: FindLaw, “Tennessee Child Custody Laws,” accessed June 15, 2015

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