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Preparing for your ex’s continued presence after divorce

On Behalf of | Aug 12, 2024 | Divorce

Many are under the assumption that their ex will fade into the background when filing for divorce. While it marks the end of the marriage, it does not always mean the end of your former spouse’s presence in your life.

It is essential to prepare for your ex’s continued presence and understand your rights and responsibilities in this new chapter of your life.

You may need to work together for the sake of the child

Co-parenting becomes a crucial part of your life post divorce, if children are in the mix. In Tennessee, the law encourages both parents to maintain a relationship with the child.

As in most states, Tennessee courts put a premium on the child’s best interests when determining a parenting plan. This can include residential schedules, decision-making responsibilities and child support arrangements.

That said, you may need to keep your lines of communication open with your former spouse for decisions related to your child’s education, health care and daily life.

You may need to talk regarding money matters

Divorce often involves ongoing financial ties. These may include:

  • Alimony payments: Factors in the length of the marriage and each spouse’s earning capacity.
  • Child support: Calculated based on both parents’ income and expenses.
  • Division of assets and debts: Fair distribution of property, savings and debts.

Tennessee law allows for modification of alimony and child support under certain conditions. Changes in income or living situations may warrant a review of these arrangements.

If disputes arise later, detailed records of all financial transactions related to your divorce agreement can prove helpful.

Maintaining boundaries is crucial

While divorce unties the life and property of couples, some things may remain entangled for a certain period or even indefinitely. As much as possible, only discuss necessary topics, such as co-parenting or financial obligations and avoid discussing personal matters unrelated to your shared responsibilities.

Setting clear boundaries with your ex minimizes conflicts, protects your mental well-being and allows you to move forward with life. If you have doubts or concerns, know that there are professional resources available to you.

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