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The role of building a support network during your divorce

On Behalf of | Aug 1, 2024 | Divorce

Going through a divorce can be daunting and isolating, but it does not have to be. Forming a support network can help make a difference in navigating the complex divorce process. If you are struggling to find the support you need during your divorce, how can you start building your network?

Why a support network is crucial

Divorce can be a lonesome and overwhelming process, especially when it comes to making important decisions about your future. A support network can provide practical guidance, emotional comfort and a sense of community.

Who to include in your support network

It is essential to surround yourself with people who can provide different types of support. Your support network can include the following:

  • Therapist or counselor: You can consult with a mental health professional for guidance on coping with the emotional aspects of divorce.
  • Support group: Joining a support group can link you with those going through similar experiences.
  • Friends and family: Lean on trustworthy friends and family members who can offer support and practical help.
  • Divorce coach: A divorce coach can guide you as you go through the divorce process and make life-altering decisions.

Meanwhile, spouses can face several obstacles when building a support network. One common challenge is feeling embarrassed about their situation, leading them to isolate themselves from others. Also, they may not know where to turn for support or struggle to ask for help, seeing it as a sign of weakness rather than a sign of strength.

Understanding your rights and options

By surrounding yourself with supportive people, you may find the strength to move forward with confidence. However, managing the legal complexities of your divorce can be challenging. With legal guidance, you may better understand your rights and options as you seek to protect your interests throughout the divorce process.