Protection and Understanding Legal Guidance

Alimony payments aren’t mandatory in Tennessee divorces

On Behalf of | Jan 19, 2018 | Alimony

Divorces that involve alimony can be very complex matters. These cases are usually high-asset divorces that involve considerable assets. While the issuance of alimony isn’t a requirement in Tennessee divorces, it is often necessary to make the settlement work out the way it needs to. It is sometimes used to help a stay-at-home parent have an income while he or she gets back out into the workforce, which can be a challenge when you are raising children.

Even though alimony and child support are both financial matters, there are some interesting differences between the two. For example, alimony payments are handled differently from child support. Alimony payments come in many different types, such as lump sum, monthly, temporary and rehabilitation. Child support payments are based on the pay schedule of the paying parent.

We understand that the thought of having to pay alimony to an ex isn’t something that you might enjoy. We can’t promise the outcome of the issue, but we can work to find options that you might find preferable. For example, you might decide that paying a one-time lump sum payment is a better deal than having to pay support each month. We can help you to discover if this is possible.

Another point to remember about alimony is that it might not be a permanent deal. Many alimony orders have an end date. Even if they don’t have a firm end date, they will end if your ex moves in with a new partner or gets married again. As we work out the alimony details, we can advocate for you to get conditions in the order that will protect you.

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