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Child custody laws in Tennessee cover several factors

On Behalf of | Feb 25, 2016 | Child Custody

Child custody cases are very serious cases because the child’s well-being can be profoundly affected by the outcome of the case. Tennessee laws have some very interesting points regarding child custody that anyone who is going through a child custody case must know.

One of the most important aspects of the child custody case involves determining which parent is the custodial parent and which parent is the non-custodial parent. Tennessee does allow joint custody of a child, so some parents will have this option.

For the non-custodial parent, keeping in contact with the child is crucial so that he or she can maintain a relationship. Tennessee law sets forth some expectations about maintaining contact between the child and the non-custodial parent. Some examples of this include being given 48-hours’ notice before extracurricular activities and being given notice of hospitalizations or medical issues within 24 hours.

Non-custodial parents also have the right to be able to call the child twice per week. These parents also have the right to have access to the child’s medical and school records. They also have the right to be a part of the decisions regarding school and education.

If the custodial parent is traveling out of state with the child for more than two days, the non-custodial parent has the right to get an itinerary for the days they will be gone.

It is crucial for the parents to understand what rights each parent has. You must also understand how the child custody order affects you so that you can ensure you remain in compliance with the order.

Source: FindLaw, “Tennessee Child Custody Laws,” accessed Feb. 25, 2016