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We Can Help You Get Through This

Make Your Voice Heard Regarding The Custody Of Your Children   

One of the most emotional aspects of a divorce or breakup involving children is the question of custody. Determining who will provide a home for the children and have the power to make key decisions can quickly become a heated debate.

At The Law Office of Jeffrey Jones, our Memphis child custody lawyer has more than 35 years of experience with child custody disputes. Our knowledge of Tennessee child custody laws and Memphis area courts allows us to help you understand the process and options for voicing your preference for your child’s future.

Types of Child Custody That Tennessee Law Recognizes

Tennessee law recognizes several types of child custody arrangements, including the following:

  • Full custody
  • Shared parenting
  • Joint custody
  • Full custody with supervised parental visitation

How The Court Determines Custody

When determining the custody of a child or children, the court will consider many factors, including:

  • The relationships between parents and the child
  • The incomes of each parent and their ability to provide a stable lifestyle for the child
  • The mental and physical health of each parent
  • The child’s lifestyle, including the location of his or her school, activities and more
  • The child’s preference, if the child is at least 12 years of age
  • Evidence of physical or emotional abuse of the child or other parent
  • The character of any third party individuals living in the parent’s household

Each of these factors can be interpreted differently by the court, making it important to establish and demonstrate your ability to provide a stable, healthy and loving home for your child.

Justification For Modification Of Child Custody Agreements

Once a child custody arrangement has been ordered or approved by the court, the arrangement deemed to be permanent, but there are situations that may lead the court to re-examine or modify the arrangement such as:

  • Major life changes: Significant events in the lives of either parent, such as a job loss, change of work hours, new job or remarriage, may lead the court to restructure the child custody arrangement.
  • Maturation of the child: As the child ages, his or her needs and availability may change, making the original custody arrangement unworkable. A judge may consider modifying the arrangement if it becomes detrimental to the child’s schooling or activities.
  • Violations of the order: Should either parent refuse to adhere to the child custody order, the other parent may pursue enforcement or modification of the arrangement.

If you wish to modify a child custody arrangement, you must petition the court to review the order, and show or prove a change of circumstance.

‘I Want to Relocate. How Does This Impact My Child Custody Arrangement?’

Parents wishing to relocate must serve written notice to the other parent 60 days in advance of the move. The notice must include a statement of the intent to relocate, the address of the new home and the reasons behind the relocation.

The nonrelocating parent may contest the relocation, or may seek to alter the custody arrangement to ensure that each parent is allowed to play a role in the child’s life.

Discuss Your Unique Concerns With An Attorney In Bartlett

At The Law Office of Jeffrey Jones, we know how important a fair and detailed child custody arrangement is to child and parent. Mr. Jones honors mothers’ rights and fathers’ rights and makes every effort to ensure that the best interests of the child are addressed. To discuss your child custody concerns with our attorney, call 901-410-5751 or contact us online.