We Can Help You Get Through This

We Can Help You Get Through This

Charged With Solicitation Of A Prostitute? Protect Your Future.

Memphis area law enforcement officers take an aggressive stance against prostitution. If you have been charged with solicitation of a prostitute, it can be difficult to present an effective defense, especially if your arrest resulted from an anti-prostitution sting. At The Law Offices of Jeffrey Jones, our Memphis prostitution lawyer has more than 35 years of experience in defending against solicitation of prostitution charges.

If you have been charged with solicitation, contact our office today at 901-410-5751 or online.

Laws Governing Solicitation

Tennessee laws prohibit the solicitation or hiring of another person with the intent of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for money. The law also prohibits entering or occupying a house of prostitution, or property where prostitution is a common and known activity, for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity.

The law is not limited to solicitation of intercourse but rather applies to solicitation of any type of sexual activity.

The Criminal Classification Of Solicitation Of A Prostitute

Solicitation or patronizing of a prostitute is charged as a misdemeanor in Tennessee courts, with enhanced penalties if the solicitation occurs within 100 feet of a church or 1.5 miles of a school. The charge carries no more than a year in jail, unless the offender has previous convictions or a significant criminal record.

What Are the Penalties for a Conviction?

An individual convicted of solicitation of a prostitute faces a wide range of penalties, including:

  • Fines: Individuals convicted of solicitation or patronizing a prostitute are subject to a fine of up to $500, plus any court costs.
  • Jail time: A conviction of solicitation of a prostitute carries a sentence of up to six months in jail, for a first offense, and enhanced penalties for a subsequent offense.
  • Probation: The court may order extended supervision or probation terms for individuals convicted of solicitation of a prostitute.
  • Social stigma: As criminal convictions are public record, a solicitation conviction may result in negative consequences from co-workers, neighbors, spouses or employers.

If the offense occurs within 100 feet of a church or 1.5 miles of a school, additional penalties apply. In these cases, the offender must be sentenced to at least seven days of incarceration and fined at least $1,000. Repeat convictions carry increased fines of up to $2,500, and longer jail terms of up to one year.

The penalties stemming from a solicitation of prostitution conviction can wreak havoc on your life and your future. It is important to discuss your defense options with an experienced attorney sooner than later.

Please Contact Us To Schedule A Free Initial Consultation

At The Law Offices of Jeffrey Jones, we offer the insightful and experienced guidance you need to present the most effective defense possible against your charges. To discuss your defense options, call 901-410-5751​ or contact us online today.