We Can Help You Get Through This

We Can Help You Get Through This

Planning Can Make The Divorce Process Go More Smoothly

No one gets married planning to divorce someday. Everyone says “I do” with the intention of creating a relationship that will last. However, not every marriage is meant to last a lifetime.

Sometimes, spouses slowly drift apart and a divorce ends up seeming inevitable. In other cases, a sudden blow shatters a marriage and at least one spouse is shocked by the marital breakdown, along with family and friends who never expected it. Yet another scenario is a growing suspicion by a husband or wife that something is not right — and a realization that the time has come to be realistic and consider all options.

A frank discussion with an experienced Tennessee divorce attorney can offer valuable insights.

When Should I Talk To A Lawyer About A Divorce?

There’s no such thing as “too soon” when it comes to planning and preparation. Even if you are not certain you want to pursue a divorce, you can talk to a lawyer to learn more about your options, the process and the potential outcomes.

If you are committed to ending your marriage, you can talk to a lawyer even before you talk to your spouse about your decision. The information you gather from your lawyer may even help you break the news to your spouse that you want a divorce. You may be able to take steps prior to that discussion that will protect you and make the process easier for both of you.

If your spouse has asked for a divorce or served you divorce papers, you should meet with an attorney as soon as possible to start building a plan.

Attorney Jeffrey H. Jones in Bartlett has valuable information and advice to share on ways to plan for your Tennessee divorce. Since 1977, The Law Office of Jeffrey Jones has served family law clients in West Tennessee. With years of experience to draw on, his legal counsel can provide guidance and reassurance as you approach divorce.

How To Plan For This Life Change

You can learn ways to be proactive for the sake of your and your children’s best interests in case divorce comes to pass. Specifics will differ depending on unique factors in a marriage, but here are a few examples of ways to get ready for a Tennessee divorce:

  • Determine with your attorney what should be the timing and method of your separation with your spouse.
  • Discuss with your lawyer ways to ensure continued direct involvement with your children if you are the parent who will leave the home.
  • Plan to inventory your and your spouse’s assets, including separately owned and jointly owned property, financial resources and investments. Avoid possible accusations that you have hidden assets — and discuss how to ensure that your spouse does not hide assets.
  • If you are a business owner, discuss ways to keep your business and personal finances separate as you approach divorce.
  • If at all possible, avoid initiating another romantic relationship before your divorce is complete. If your spouse has had or is having an extramarital affair, discuss ways to protect your children and your assets.
  • Beware of social media! Discussions you post on Facebook, Instagram or elsewhere can be used in your divorce case and may end up hurting you.

Request A Consultation As Early On As You Can When Divorce Is Approaching

Learn how to protect your rights and avoid unnecessary legal expenses as you face the challenges associated with divorce. Call 901-410-5751.