If you're a mother, perhaps the scariest thing that can happen after a divorce is not getting custody of your children. Courts typically favored the mother when awarding custody rights in the past, and as of 2018, four in five custodial parents were mothers. However,...
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Child Custody
How does parallel parenting work?
There is no such thing as an easy divorce. Some cases could be more manageable if the divorcing couple is on good terms, allowing them to compromise and collaborate concerning their child’s upbringing. Other times, the parties can have severely contradicting views,...
Child custody and mental health: what you need to know
Going through a divorce is tough, especially when kids are involved. Some parents worry if mental health issues will affect child custody decisions when they go to court. First, let's note that it is okay to talk about mental health. If you have mental health...
Difficult conversations: children and divorce
Embarking on the challenging journey of telling your children about your decision to divorce is a pivotal moment that requires utmost sensitivity and care. As parents about to divorce, it is essential to approach this conversation with empathy and a clear...
Co-parenting with a weekly split may not be ideal
Growing up can be tough, especially for children who have to deal with difficult situations and their parents getting divorced. Divorce can be especially challenging if the co-parenting schedule isn't working out as well as it could. Although an equal custody split is...
If A Stepparent Pays Medical Costs, Does It Impact Child Support Payments?
When parents decide to divorce, one of them, and sometimes both of them, mistakenly believe that the end of their marriage means that their relationship with the other parent ends, too. Of course that isn’t how it works. You will always be linked to the other parent...
Is parental alienation a good defense against child sexual abuse?
Custody battled between ex-spouses in Tennessee can sometimes go beyond animosity. It's not uncommon for one spouse to claim alleged domestic violence or child sexual abuse to get full custody of one's children. In such cases, one spouse may allege that the other has...
Explaining custody to children sensitively
If you are no longer in a relationship with the other parent of your child, it is likely that you are in a position where you share custody or have a visitation agreement in place. You may not currently be satisfied with the current agreement, but you will have to...
Resolving custody can be done through teamwork
If you have found yourself in a child custody dispute because you and your ex disagree on what is best for your children, you may think that you'll need to take an aggressive approach and challenge them in court. While this may be the case in some circumstances, you...
An overview of child custody laws in Tennessee
Separating from the other parent of your children will likely mean that you'll both have to figure out a way to share custody. If you have an amicable relationship with your ex, this might be relatively simple. In this case, you would be able to work together to...