Many couples have amassed credit card debt, and this has to be handled carefully if they decide to divorce. One thing to remember is that these debts may affect your credit scores if they are not paid. If your score is lowered, you might have difficulties obtaining...
Protection and Understanding Legal Guidance
Month: January 2020
Long distance parenting requires support from both parents
When one parent moves away after a divorce, the children involved in the situation may have a big adjustment ahead of them. They might not be able to see their other parent as often as they're used to doing -- and they may even see the parent's move as a rejection....
How is marital property divided in Tennessee?
When a couple goes through a divorce, not only do they need to separate themselves emotionally from the marriage, but they also need to separate all financial assets. After being married for many years, it's common for couples to be very financially intertwined, and...
Signs that your marriage might be headed toward divorce
Being married means constantly working to strengthen and improve the relationship; however, there sometimes comes a point when you know that the union is over. You know that there isn't any hope for turning things around. Once you come to that realization, you will...
You aren’t done with your ex after divorce if you share kids
Going through a divorce comes with a lot of challenges. You have to ensure that you aren't falling for the common misconceptions that some people hold as truths when they go through a divorce and have children with their ex. Remembering that these aren't true might...