When money is an issue in a marriage, a divorce might be forthcoming. There is a chance that the couple will need to file for bankruptcy. At this point, you must decide if you are going to file for divorce before you file for bankruptcy, or vice versa. This is an...
Protection and Understanding Legal Guidance
Month: January 2018
Alimony payments aren’t mandatory in Tennessee divorces
Divorces that involve alimony can be very complex matters. These cases are usually high-asset divorces that involve considerable assets. While the issuance of alimony isn't a requirement in Tennessee divorces, it is often necessary to make the settlement work out the...
Take control of money matters caused by divorce
The financial impact of a divorce can seem to linger forever. If you are facing a divorce or have already gotten the final order, you need to make sure that you are taking steps to reclaim your financial stability.No matter what state your finances are in, there is...
Consider your circumstances during your divorce
The emotions that you are likely going to feel during a divorce will range from being upset to being depressed. All of these are normal, but they can make it difficult to think clearly during the divorce process. We can help you to think clearly during the divorce so...