Dealing with your ex on child custody matters might not be at the top of things that you want to have to do for the next few years or longer. Just ignoring your ex isn't going to provide your child with the benefits of having parents who can get along in a civil...
Protection and Understanding Legal Guidance
Month: October 2017
Take the stress out of returning to school after divorce
Children who are having to deal with their parents going through a divorce will likely find that the tension and uneasiness extends to other areas of their life. This includes their education, which is something that almost all parents can agree doesn't need to...
You might not have to make monthly alimony payments
Alimony payments are something that come with some divorces, but not all. When you are facing the prospect of having to make alimony payments, you might wonder what options you have. In some cases, the choice might not be yours to make. Instead, the court might order...
Determine the type of custody arrangement that works for you
Your children have probably grown up with you and their other parent in the same home. You can imagine how much of a shock it will be to learn that the parents they have grown up in the same home with are getting a divorce. Some children will act out in a negative...