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Amending your child support agreement for a gifted child

On Behalf of | Sep 2, 2016 | Divorce

The recent Rio Summer Olympics no doubt gave many children in Tennessee and around the world the desire to become the next Simone Biles, Michael Phelps or Usain Bolt. Most parents want to encourage children whom they believe have the potential to excel at sports, even if it’s not at the Olympic level. However, it can cost money — lots of it.

That’s something that divorced parents have to work out. Sometimes it requires amendments to their child support arrangements and even their custody agreement. Some sports are more expensive than others. However, most require some money for lessons, coaching, equipment and uniforms. There may also be out-of-town travel required for competitions.

Many child support agreements include money to cover a child’s sports and other extracurricular activities. However, if those costs increase, it’s probably going to be necessary to re-visit that agreement.

If your ex-spouse isn’t as amendable to your child working to become a champion swimmer, figure skater or tennis player, you may have to take the matter to court. The judge may determine that the parent who’s more enthusiastic about the child pursuing his or her dreams pay the bulk of these expenses. However, the judge will also look at both parents’ income and other assets as well as the child’s commitment to the sport and demonstrated talent.

This doesn’t apply just to sports. If you have a child who’s gifted and driven to excel in other areas, like music, art or acting, you run into the same issues with paying for the necessary training that goes with it. Your Tennessee family law attorney can help you work to seek the needed adjustments to your child support arrangements and parenting plan to help your child pursue his or her passion.

Source: The Huffington Post, “When You’re Divorced, Which Parent Pays For Your Child’s Olympic Dreams?,” Bari Zell Weinberger, Aug. 18, 2016