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How to handle a potentially toxic divorce in Tennessee

On Behalf of | Jan 14, 2024 | Divorce

Sometimes, what starts as a loving and enjoyable marriage can turn into a toxic and unhealthy relationship. In such situations, divorce may be the best option for both parties. If you know that your spouse will react in a way that is harmful to you or your family when you bring up separation, here are some of the things you can do to handle a potentially toxic divorce in Tennessee.

Gather and protect your valuable documents

A toxic divorce usually lasts longer than a normal divorce because it can involve a lot of disagreements and disputes that can go on for as long as ten years. So, the best thing you can do is to nip the problem in the bud and gather all your valuable documents, such as bank statements, asset titles, insurance policies and other important papers.

When you have all the documents needed for a divorce, your spouse can’t use them as a bargaining chip or withhold them from you. You can even use them to file for divorce if they are not cooperating.

Communicate with your spouse in writing

Trying to communicate with a toxic spouse verbally can be risky as they may twist your words and use them against you. Instead, communicate in writing where you have evidence of the conversation. This could include emails or text messages.

Seek legal assistance

In a potentially toxic divorce, it is crucial to have a lawyer on your side who specializes in family law and has experience dealing with difficult divorces. They can provide valuable advice and guide you through the legal process, helping protect your rights.

A toxic divorce will wreak havoc on your mental, emotional and financial well-being. It is important to prioritize your safety and that of your children, if you have any, during this difficult time. Remember to stay strong and surround yourself with a support system of friends and family who can provide emotional support during this challenging process. Most importantly, don’t blame yourself for the toxic behavior of your spouse and focus on moving forward towards a healthier and happier future.