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Headaches after a car accident? Don’t ignore it

On Behalf of | Apr 4, 2024 | Car Accidents, Injuries, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Personal Injury

Experiencing pounding, consistent headaches after a car accident may require more than a quick nap or over-the-counter pill. You may have to see a doctor. Injuries such as whiplash and concussions can have delayed symptoms, including pain around the head and neck.

Paying attention to your body’s signals after a crash could prevent potential complications from escalating.

What causes headaches after a car accident?

Considering the strong impact of a crash, experiencing headaches afterward is almost unavoidable. The sudden and forceful movements can damage the brain, skull or neck, resulting in pain ranging from mild to severe.

Treatment options vary depending on the gravity of the injury. The nature of your discomfort and where you feel it offer clues to the type of headache you are enduring.

  • Whiplash headache: Often starts in the neck and radiates toward the base of the skull. Neck stiffness, eye pain, facial discomfort and vision problems frequently accompany whiplash headaches.
  • Concussion headache: Presents migraine-like symptoms resulting from a concussion. This may be coupled with dizziness, nausea, light sensitivity, and short-term communication and movement problems.
  • Fracture headache: Arises from a skull fracture, causing localized pain and may be accompanied by loss of balance, nausea, slurred speech and bruising.
  • Muscle strain headache: Headache that comes with redness and tenderness, suggesting potential injury to the muscles around the head or neck area.
  • Occipital neuralgia: Characterized by throbbing, burning and aching pain around the base of the skull due to a pinched nerve. The area may feel tender to touch.

Without proper medical attention, your condition could progress into something more serious.

What should be your next steps?

Even if you did not see a doctor right after the crash, experiencing symptoms later on, such as a headache, warrants a checkup. A healthcare professional can provide you with an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. You will also receive documentation of your injuries, which is essential if you decide to take legal action.

If your injuries are the result of someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation.

Headaches after a traumatic accident may indicate serious damage to your body. It’s best not to wait and see before taking action.

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