When you have a child and aren't in a relationship with the child's other parent, making certain life decisions means that you have to look at the child custody and visitation issues that might come up with the decision. One such decision is when the custodial parent...
Protection and Understanding Legal Guidance
Year: 2015
Modifying a parenting plan in Tennessee can be difficult
When you are working on a parenting plan as part of your divorce, it is vital that you ensure the plan you agree to is one that you can live with. There seems to be a misconception that often comes up during these cases that involves one parent thinking that they will...
Do unmarried fathers have automatic custody rights?
Many people go into custody disputes informed only on the basis of anecdotes from friends and family, and this can lead to a bit of a shock when they find out that Tennessee's custody guidelines are not what they first thought. Custody can get particularly challenging...
Parenting agreements outline all things related to child custody
When you go through a divorce, you have to divide up your assets and your liabilities. If you have children, you have to decide how you and your ex will share the children. While this process can be more difficult than deciding who gets the house and the car, it is...
Don’t get stuck with all debts and no assets in your divorce
Going through a divorce is something that can easily try your patience. While you might be ready to be done with your ex for good, if you have property together, you have to deal with that ex so that you can divide the property. The good news is that there are options...
Tennessee judge refuses to allow straight couple to divorce
While much has been made about same-sex divorce after the Supreme Court made the landmark ruling that same-sex marriage would be legal in all states, it's also having some unanticipated effects on straight couples. One such example occurred in Tennessee just a couple...
What is a qualified domestic relations order in a divorce?
If you or your spouse have retirement accounts and are going through a divorce, you might consider the possibility of seeking a qualified domestic relations order. A QDRO outlines how retirement accounts are going to be distributed, even if the distribution will occur...
Various issues must be considered during the divorce process
Deciding to file for a divorce is an emotional decision. As we discussed last week, women file for divorce more often than men. Oftentimes, the decision to file for a divorce comes only after the couple has tried everything they can to salvage the marriage.It is...
Women are more likely than men to file for divorce
While data as far back as the 1940s has shown that women are more likely than men to file for divorce, a recent student presented by a Stanford University professor indicates that it may be for a different reason than most have thought. Previously, researchers assumed...
Rutherford makes public statement after latest ruling
Now that actress Kelly Rutherford was forced to return her children to Monaco and continue her quest to have the children permanently relocated to the United States, she has continued to give many interviews and public statements on the case. These have included...