We Can Help You Get Through This

We Can Help You Get Through This

An explanation on uncontested divorce options

Mediation and collaborative law are two types of uncontested divorce that may help a couple get through the process smoothly.

Spouses who are considering a divorce may wonder if there is a way to get through the process without going through a potentially costly, drawn-out court battle. Fortunately, there are options for Tennessee spouses that include amicable ways to end a marriage. These options, which may include mediation and collaborative law, have numerous benefits for divorcing couples who are able to cooperate with each other and keep an open mind during divorce negotiations.

Mediation, collaborative divorce and litigation

Before deciding on a method of divorce, it is important to understand the ways in which they work. A method that is ideal for one couple may not be the best choice for another. Therefore, both spouses should become familiar with the differences between amicable divorce options, as well as when litigation may be necessary.

  • Mediation – The mediation process often has an advantage of being cost-effective and non-time-consuming, states the American Bar Association. During mediation, an impartial third party will conduct anywhere between one to several sessions with both spouses. This method works best when both spouses are able to listen to each other and work with the mediator to come to agreements. Mediation may also be a good choice for working out parenting plans without exposing children to conflict.
  • Collaborative law – According to U.S. News, collaborative law is a type of divorce that utilizes the help of divorce professionals, in addition to each spouse’s own attorney. This option may be beneficial for couples who have significant assets or complex child custody issues. The professionals, who may include child therapists and financial advisors, may be able to help couples reach an agreement without going to court.
  • Litigation – In some cases, states the Huffington Post, litigating a divorce may be in a couple’s best interests. One spouse may feel at a financial disadvantage to the other, or feel intimidated or frightened. This may also be the case for those who are unable to discuss matters calmly or reach an agreement when attempting an uncontested divorce. If domestic violence, alcoholism or drug abuse were present during the marriage, it may also be best to let a judge handle matters.

It is not a trivial matter to decide on a method to finalize a divorce. There may be negative consequences to rush into one divorce option without fully understanding its limitations, as well as its advantages. Each couple’s circumstances are different. Therefore, it may be in everyone’s best interests to speak with an experienced family law attorney in Tennessee to reach the best solution possible.


Photo of Jeffrey H. Jones