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What types of alimony are available in Tennessee?

Discover the different types of alimony in Tennessee. Learn how they differ and why a court may award each of them.

In a divorce, the court can award one of the parties alimony, depending on the financial circumstances. The judge will carefully weigh each person’s finances to see if alimony will help one of them after the end of the marriage. If he or she awards support, it is then important to choose which type to order.


The Tennessee State Courts explain rehabilitative alimony is, as the name suggests, to allow one party to get back on his or her feet. It is common in situations where one partner worked and the other stayed at home to take care of the children and the house. This type of alimony allows for the person to receive support while also preparing to return to the workforce.

The expectation of the court is the person receiving the payments will seek education or training to help him or her become employable. Because of this, the judge will only award it for a set period. It is not a long-term payment plan but rather temporary until the person begins employment. Rehabilitative alimony is the preferred option in all cases whenever possible.

Alimony in Futuro

Periodic or alimony in Futuro is a long-term option. The point of it is to allow the person receiving it to maintain a standard of living to which he or she became accustomed during the marriage. This type of alimony, according to the Tennessee State Courts, will last until the person remarries or one of the parties dies.


Transitional alimony is similar to rehabilitative but lasts for a much shorter time. The court will award it when one party needs time to secure employment but has the skills or education to get a job. It is very short-term and for the purpose of avoiding financial hardship after the divorce until finding employment.

Alimony in Solido

Alimony in Solido is like alimony in Futuro because it is long-term. However, the defining point of it is the court sets a specific amount for one party to pay. Once that person pays the full amount, the alimony obligation ends. The person can pay it in a lump sum or in installments, but once he or she pays the full amount awarded by the court, they no longer must make payments.

When trying to secure alimony, it is essential for both parties to understand the options. Each side should have guidance from an attorney that understands family law in the state, such as The Law Office of Jeffrey Jones.